How to Breakup from an Abusive Partner and Recover From a Toxic Relationship Virtual Retreat
Hi there
Thank you for your interest in my Virtual Retreat - How to Breakup from an Abusive Partner and Recover From a Toxic Relationship.
This an empowering and uplifting retreat designed to help you take back your control, cope better and start feeling happy again.
This Retreat will help you if you are:
- Reeling from a toxic relationship
- Fearful about what the future holds
- Struggling to break free from an abusive partner
- Suffering from low self esteem and self worth
- Driving yourself mad with questions about what happened to you
- Overwhelmed by the divorce process
- Unsure how to communicate with your ex
- Anxious and worried all the time
If you are experiencing any of the above then this retreat is just what you need.
The programme is a transformative combination of online videos packed full of empowering information to help you cope better as well as LIVE BREAKOUT SESSIONS. It is designed to give you all the tools you need as well as the support from the group webinar sessions.
5 LIVE WEBINARS: Get your questions answered and receive live training in these interactive sessions. Also meet the other delegates and hear how others are coping. Life time friendships and support groups are formed from these sessions - it's really magical.
ONLINE VIDEOS: In these training videos I share with you the tools you need to understand what you have been through, how to cope better and how to move forward. I cover in details the techniques, strategies and practical tips you need to take your control back and start feeling good again.
125 PAGE WORKBOOK: This gives you all the notes from the retreat so you don't have to do a lot of writing! You can relax and focus on what you are learning and how you can start using the tools.
YOUR ACTION PLAN: This is your personal plan that you will build over the course of the programme. It will be tailored to your own situation and provide you with the momentum you need to achieve long lasting positive changes.
SUPPORT GROUP: Long lasting friendships are made during the retreat as you share experiences and lightbulb moments of change. It is always wonderful to watch as support groups are formed that will be with you through this challenging time. You will soon discover that you are not alone.
This Retreat has been approved by The Dash Charity to ensure that all the information about domestic abuse meets their high standards. A donation to The Dash Charity is made from every retreat ticket.
20+ VIDEOS WITH LEADING GLOBAL EXPERTS - I have interviewed leading global experts on abuse, toxic relationships and trauma recovery.
Experts include:
- The Domestic Abuse Commissioner for England and Wales
- Survivors of abuse
- Campaigners on abuse
- Family Court Experts
- Trauma Recovery Therapists
- And many more...
Places are limited per retreat so please do BOOK NOW to avoid disappointment as tickets go quickly.
Your next Virtual Retreat starts on 25th March 2025 and the dates for the 5 webinars are:
- Tuesday 25th March 2025, 7-8pm UK Time
- Tuesday 1st April 2025, 7-8pm UK Time
- Tuesday 8th April 2025, 7-8pm UK Time
- Tuesday 15th April 2025, 7-8pm UK Time
- Tuesday 22nd April 2025, 7-8pm UK Time
Frequently asked questions:
Will this retreat help me?
This will help you if you are still in a toxic relationship, recently out of one or even if you are still stuck and unable to move on many years after it ended.
What will the retreat help me with?
- Struggling to cope with the break-up of toxic relationship
- Understanding different types of domestic abuse
- Clarity on why you got into the relationship and why you stayed
- How to spot the signs of domestic abuse
- Going through a divorce with an abusive ex partner
- Managing on-going conflict with your ex
- Low self confidence and self worth
- You have lost track of who you are
- Heartbreak and you want the pain to stop
- Recovery from a toxic relationship
What will I learn?
- How to protect yourself moving forwards
- How to communicate with your ex
- How to avoid the pitfalls of divorcing an abusive partner
- How to deal with negative emotions
- Master techniques to banish the heart break
- How to let go of your ex
- Strategies to manage conflict
- How to start feeling better immediately
- How to deal with controlling behaviour
- Empowering techniques that will help your kids to cope better
- Rediscover your identity and what makes you happy
- Design a future you are excited to live
- How to date with safety nets
- Rediscover happiness and your passion for life again
Timings: Every week at 7pm UK time zone from your start date.
Price: Normal price is £297
(Payment plan available for limited time)
Offer only available for limited time only.
Included: FIVE LIVE webinars, 125 page Workbook and your Action Plan PLUS your BONUS GIFT of unlimited access to Empowering Resources Videos.
Before your Retreat: When you book your place you will receive an email within 24 hours with all the details of the retreat.
Terms and conditions: By booking the retreat you accept the terms and conditions
Seats do go quickly as I keep the delegates numbers limited to I can ensure I get you the results you need.
Testimonials from recent retreat delegates:
"A life changing programme for me. I now have a future to look forward to. I've also met a wonderful group of friends who I will stay in touch with" Sara, Oxford
"Thank you Sara. Not sure where to start really except it was completely life changing for me. I feel I now have the tools, techniques and positivity to move forward with my life during quite an acrimonious divorce. I also feel so happy that a support group has been created, we have been constantly messaging each other this week and lots of your phrases are being coined! I now know any little blips that come along will be flipped and I even did a few pops in the car for my kids earlier!! Thank you again and hope our paths cross in the future!" Sarah, Sussex
"Sara has given me the tools and shown me the way to break free from my past. I would recommend Sara's retreats to anyone going through a tough time at the end of a relationship. Thank you Sara".
Sam, London
"Thanks Sara for all the work that you did with us; it was amazing and I now feel better prepared for moving forward".
Mandy, Bucks
"Thank you for a very enjoyable, constructive and thought provoking retreat. Tough subject and issues to face but I can’t imagine anyone else doing this better than you! Just knowing you are there is such a huge relief".
Caroline, Glasgow
"Sara, I want you to know that if I had one wish, and just one, it's that I would have done this program 18 months ago because I feel absolutely certain some of the decisions I made would have been different and given me a path towards happiness much sooner. I wish that every human facing difficulties and / or heartache knew about your program and that people know the silver lining is the ability to be in control of ourselves - what a gift".
Sheryl, USA
"When I came to your retreat I was lost and felt alone. You gave me so much more then getting over a relationship. You gave me boundaries that I continued with in every aspect in my life. You gave me back my true confidence. You encouraged me to understand how to make myself feel happy. You helped me understand what I want and to reach for it. You made me see that I can say no to people without feeling bad. The list could go on! So I would just like to say Thank you! Thank you! Thank you! You have given me so many tools to help me improve myself and my life! I am truly thankful."
Places do go quickly as we limit places to ensure the very best results. So do book as soon as you can to reserve your seat.
Big hugs